Monday, December 26, 2011

Life just slowed down for a minute...

It's interesting how even in a third world country you can still get the feel of the big city. Personally, I'm more of a wide open spaces kind of person. (Yes, that was a Dixie Chicks reference) I am currently living in Denpasar, which has that "city" feel and while it's not exactly a city like we would imagine one, (the tallest building I've seen is 4 or 5 stories) there is still that fast paced, people are more worried about getting to where they need to be feel to it. Then, drive about 40 minutes north and life slows down. Look to your left, look to your right and all you see are lush green rice fields. To me it's like going from Florida to New Hampshire.

Then, drive even further north up around the mountain/volcano area and life slows down even more. Another weekend adventure, to the most northern part of Bali and out of the hustle and bustle of Denpasar!

And the ride there... Well, let's just say it's a good thing I'm not a person that gets motion sickness! (I typed this all on my phone on the way there by the way)

Go up, go down, hear a horn beep, almost run into two girls on a scooter, turn left, turn right, run over a pot hole, ears just popped, another horn, another pot hole, swerve around a scooter, water bottle just popped, make not a 3 point turn but probably a 7 point turn due to a ceremony blocking the street, almost ran over a dog, another pot hole swerve around another scooter and now we only have an hour left of this drive...


  1. Merry Christmas Chelster!
    I'm glad you were able to get out of the hustle and bustle for a while.
    I love reading your stories...can't wait 'til the next one.

  2. I am so proud of you! I want your life for 5 minutes, haha. I hope you were able to feel a little bit of Christmas while you were there as i know you were extremely missed back home. Just got back to d.c. and my trip to miami wasn't the same without you! I miss you very much! Keep up the tales! :))

  3. Stooge! What is your email address? I have emailed you a couple times and I haven't heard from you. Am I sending emails to a random person??

  4. stoooge, check your email-i just sent one!!
